• Two interview studies were conducted to determine the experiences and expectations of HF patients and clinicians towards existing telemonitoring systems in the care of HF. 
  • Experiencer (https://experiencer.eu) was developed: an experience sampling platform that supports experience sampling studies using smartwatches.
  • A FHIR layer has been developed to ensure interoperability of patient data stored in GameBus.
  • A qualitative interview study was completed on how people with cardiovascular disease conceptualize sharing personal health data with peers. 
  • A meta-analysis was carried out on the effects of (non)-invasive telemonitoring systems.
  • TELEBOD study:  Assessment of feasibility of recommending diuretics to heart failure patients, based on monitoring weight,  blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and self-report by patients.
  • CLASS-HF-WATCH study: Feasibility evaluation of classifying decompensated and stable HF patients from smartwatch sensor data using machine learning techniques.
  • Wear-HF study: Measurement of pulmonary pressures at home using Corsano watches and comparison to implanted devices.