Panos Markopoulos
Principal Investigator, Eindhoven University of TechnologyPanos Markopoulos is Full Professor of Design for Behavior Change. Markopoulos is currently working on ambient intelligence, behavior change support technology, sleep quality monitoring, end-user development, interaction design and children, and wearable rehabilitation technology.

Eelko Ronner
Cardiron B.V.
Eric Boersma
Co-Investigator, Erasmus MC
Jun Hu
Co-Investigator, Eindhoven University of TechnologyDr. Jun Hu is a Senior Member of ACM, currently an Associate Professor in Design Research on Social Computing, and the Scientific Director for the Professional Doctorate in Engineering program in User System Interaction at the Department of Industrial Design (ID), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), a Distinguished Adjunct Professor at Jiangnan University and a Guest Professor at Zhejiang University.

Pieter Van Gorp
Co-Investigator, Eindhoven University of TechnologyPieter Van Gorp is an associate professor at the School of Industrial Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). He works at the Information Systems lab, with a primary focus on digital health tools. Pieter conducts research on personal health data as an economic asset.

Peter Peters
Co-Investigator, Eindhoven University of TechnologyPeter Peters is a lecturer and researcher in the Future Everyday cluster. Peters is interested in computer science and electronics, and how these fields can be applied in design. He has deep expertise and extensive practical experience with electronics and software, which he applies throughout the design process.

Xi Long
Co-Investigator, Eindhoven University of TechnologyXi Long is an Associate Professor in the Signal Processing Systems group, where he advises, coordinates and participates in many collaborative projects (with, for example, Philips, Máxima Medical Center, Kempenhaeghe, UMC Utrecht, KU Leuven and Fudan University) combining technology and healthcare.

Daniel Tetteroo
Co-Investigator, Eindhoven University of TechnologyDaniel Tetteroo is Assistant Professor of Physical Rehabilitation at the Future Everyday group, and the co-founder of Picoo BV, a startup that develops interactive toys for active play. Tetteroo is interested in the design of physical rehabilitation technology, end-user development, personalization, and playful interaction.

David Tax
Co-Investigator, Delft University of TechnologyDavid Tax is studying Pattern Recognition. How is it possible that humans are so very good at recognizing things, and a computer is not? His main research interest is one-class classification (with his toolbox dd_tools), but to be honest, he likes any learning method which does not include tons of 'magic' parameters.

Suzanne Vugs
Ph.D. Candidate, Eindhoven University of Technology
Alireza Khanshan
Ph.D. Candidate, Eindhoven University of TechnologyAlireza Khanshan is a PhD candidate in the Future Everyday group of the industrial design department at Eindhoven University of technology. He holds a bachelor’s degree in computer software engineering and a master’s degree in the same field with a data science minor. His expertise lies in software engineering and data mining.

Ramin Ghorbani
Ph.D. Candidate, Delft University of TechnologyRamin Ghorbani is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Pattern Recognition and Bioinformatics group at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). He is interested in AI (Artificial Intelligence), Machine Learning, and Data Analysis, with a passion for Health Informatics.

Niels Scholte
Ph.D. Candidate, Erasmus MCNiels is a medical doctor, doing his PhD on the topic “Home monitoring solutions in heart failure patients”. Within the STRAP consortium, he is involved in the medical aspect of seeking innovative solutions to relieve future healthcare. This involves collaboratively designing home monitoring systems and investigating parameters derived from non-invasive sensors, such as wearables, for monitoring heart failure

Jhon Adrián Cerón-Guzmán
Ph.D. Candidate, Eindhoven University of TechnologyJhon Adrian is currently researching how we may design to facilitate locating peers and learning self-care ideas from them in online health communities. To do so, he follows a research-through-design approach, in which prototypes (design artifacts) serve as a means to generate knowledge. The prototypes result from an iterative, user-centered design process focusing on users' needs and desires.

Tianqin Lu
EngD. Candidate, Eindhoven University of TechnologyTianqin Lu is currently an Engineering Doctorate candidate in the Department of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechatronics Engineering with a concentration in Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering. Additionally, she obtained a Master of Science in Industrial Design with a specialization in Constructive Design Research